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REF=閲覧 小山 保夫
[種別]=閲覧 学術論文 (審査論文)


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排列順: 項目表示:
閲覧 鬼頭 剛, 高浜 和夫, 小山 保夫, 岡野 善郎, 加瀬 佳年 : 呼吸興奮作用をもつ鎮咳薬 3-chlor-2-{N-methyl-N-[(morpholino-carbonyl)methyl]aminomethyl}benzalinide (Forminobenm, PB-89) の鎮咳効果の作用点, 応用薬理, Vol.15, (号), 375-383, 1978年..[著者] ...
閲覧 加瀬 佳年, 池上 幸三郎, 鬼頭 剛, 小山 保夫, 高浜 和夫, 宮田 健, 久保 真治 : Dihydrocodeine の鎮咳および他の薬理効果に及ぼす chloropheniramine および methylephedrine 配合の効果, 応用薬理, Vol.15, (号), 408-418, 1978年..[著者] ...
閲覧 加瀬 佳年, 高浜 和夫, 瀬尾 量, 広津 一郎, 鬼頭 剛, 宮田 健, 小山 保夫, 池田 和夫 : Procaterol (OPC-2009) およびその誘導体(OPC-2030)の気道系に対する効果, 応用薬理, Vol.15, (号), 705-720, 1978年..[著者] ...
閲覧 高浜 和夫, 鬼頭 剛, 小山 保夫, 宮田 健, 加瀬 佳年 : 呼吸興奮作用をもつ鎮咳薬 Forminoben の鎮咳作用ならびにこれと関連する薬理作用,Benproperine,Isoaminile との比較, 応用薬理, Vol.16, (号), 23-32, 1978年..[著者] ...
閲覧 Matao Sakanashi, Eiji Tomomatsu, Rinko Fukai, Yasuo Oyama, Shoji Ueda, Fumio Takenaka and Makie Higuchi : Analysis of vasodilatatory action of a new nitroester agent, 2-nicotinamideethyl nitrate (SG-75), Arzneimittel-Forschung, Vol.29, (号), 1530-1533, 1979..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Akaike, Katsuhide Nishi and Yasuo Oyama : Inhibitory effects of propranolol on the calcium current of Helix neurones, British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.73, (号), 431-434, 1981..[著者] ...
閲覧 小山 保夫, 伊藤 博澄, 六反田 学, 西 勝英 : ブニトロロールのカルシウム拮抗作用に関する検討, 熊本医学会雑誌, Vol.55, (号), 191-195, 1981年..[著者] ...
閲覧 Katsuhide Nishi, Yasuo Oyama and Yasufumi Nishizono : Effect of antiarrythmic agents on the sodium current of myocardium analyzed in isolated single mammalian cardiac cells, Japanese Heart Journal, Vol.23, (号), 75-77, 1982..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Katsuhide Nishi, Atsuko Yatani and Norio Akaike : Zinc current in Helix soma membrane, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Vol.72, (号), 403-410, 1982..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yoshitoshi Kase, Hakaru Seo, Yasuo Oyama, Moriyuki Sakata, Katsumi Tomoda, Kazuo Takahama, Taizo Hotoshi, Yoshiro Okano and Takeshi Miyata : A new method for evaluating mucolytic expectorant activity and its application. I. Methodology, Arzneimittel-Forschung, Vol.32, (号), 368-373, 1982..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yoshitoshi Kase, Hakaru Seo, Yasuo Oyama, Moriyuki Sakata, Katsumi Tomoda, Kazuo Takahama, Taizo Hitoshi, Yoshiro Okano and Takeshi Miyata : A new method for evaluating mucolytic expectorant activity aand its application. II. Application to two proteolytic enzymes, seratiopeptidase and seaprose, Arzneimittel-Forschung, Vol.32, (号), 374-378, 1982..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Akaike, Hirosumi Ito, Katsuhide Nishi and Yasuo Oyama : Further analysis of inhibitory effects of propranolol and local anaesthetics on the calcium current of Helix neurones, British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.76, (号), 37-43, 1982..[著者] ...
閲覧 Katsuhide Nishi and Yasuo Oyama : Accelerating effects of pentobaribitone on the inactivation process of the calcium current in Helix neurones, British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.79, (号), 645-654, 1983..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Akaike, Toshikazu Kiyohara and Yasuo Oyama : Quantitative in vivo studies on the active Na+-K+ transports in "tonic" muscle of the hypokalemic rat, The Japanese Journal of Physiology, Vol.33, (号), 323-336, 1983..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Akaike, Katsuhide Nishi and Yasuo Oyama : Characteristics of manganese current and its comparison with currents carried by other divalent cations in snail soma membranes, The Journal of Membrane Biology, Vol.76, (号), 323-336, 1983..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Akaike, Akira Hirata, Toshikazu Kiyohara and Yasuo Oyama : Neural regulation on the active sodium-potassium transport in hypokalemic rat skeltal muscle, The Journal of Physiology, Vol.341, (号), 245-255, 1983..[著者] ...
閲覧 Katsuhide Nishi, Norio Akaike, Yasuo Oyama and Hirosumi Ito : Actions of calcium antagonists on calcium current in Helix neurons. Specifity and potency, Circulation Research, Vol.52, (号), 153-159, 1983..[著者] ...
閲覧 Katsuhide Nishi and Yasuo Oyama : Barbiturates increase the rate of voltage-dependent inactivation of the calcium current in snail neurons, British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.80, (号), 761-765, 1983..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Akaike, Atsuko Yatani, Katsuhide Nishi, Yasuo Oyama and Shunsuke Kuraoka : Permeability to various cations of the voltage-dependent sodium channel of rat single heart cells, The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Vol.228, (号), 245-255, 1984..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Akakie and Yasuo Oyama : Contribution of restricted extrcaellular space to the inactivation of calcium current in the snail neuron, Neuroscience Research, Vol.2, (号), 181-188, 1985..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Norio Akaike, Shunsuke Kuraoka and Katsuhide Nishi : Differences in the actions of organic and inorganic Ca2+-antagonists on the inactivation of the Ca2+ channels in a molluscan neuron, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Vol.83, (号), 353-357, 1986..[著者] ...
閲覧 Akira Hirata, Hiroshi Yoshida, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Hypokalemia modulates alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor bindings in rat skeletal muscle, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Vol.6, (号), 255-262, 1986..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, John Walker and Carlos Eyzaguirre : The intracellular chloride activity of glomus cells in the isolated carotid body, Brain Research, Vol.368, (号), 167-169, 1986..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Norio Akaike and Katsuhide Nishi : Effects of n-alkanols on the calcium current of intracellularly perfused neurons of Helix aspersa, Brain Research, Vol.376, (号), 280-284, 1986..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, John Walker and Carlos Eyzaguirre : Intracellular potassium activity, potassium equilibrium potential and membrane potential of carotid body glomus cells, Brain Research, Vol.381, (号), 405-408, 1986..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama and Shunsuke Kuraoka : Some differences in ionic and pharmacological blocking actions on the currents through Ca2+ channels in a molluscan neuron, Archives internationales de Pharmacodymie et de Therapie, Vol.281, (号), 230-239, 1986..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Norio Akakie and Katsuhide Nishi : Persistent calcium inward current in internally-perfused snail neuron, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Vol.6, (号), 71-85, 1986..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama and John Walker : Inhibitory action of furosemide on the active chloride transport of papillary heart muscle in rabbit, European Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.123, (号), 85-90, 1986..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama : Actions of convulsants, 5-aminopyridine and pentylenetetrazole, on the transient outward current of single isolated nodose ganglion neurons, Brain Research, Vol.409, (号), 243-249, 1987..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama : Some membrane characteristic of single isolated nodose ganglion cells studied under current and voltage clamp conditions, Brain Research, Vol.410, (号), 61-68, 1987..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Nobuaki Hori, Naofumi Tokutomi and Norio Akaike : D-600 blocks open Ca2+ channels more profoundly than closed ones, Brain Research, Vol.417, (号), 143-147, 1987..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Yasuo Tsuda, Shunpei Sakakibara and Norio Akaike : Synthetic omega-conotoxin: a potent calcium channel blocking neurotoxin, Brain Research, Vol.424, (号), 58-64, 1987..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Wein King and David Carpenter : Edrophonium-induced inward membrane current in single neurons physically-isolated from Aplysia californica, Brain Research, Vol.438, (号), 95-100, 1988..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Tsuda, Yasuo Oyama, David Carpenter and Norio Akaike : Effects of Ca2+ on the transient outward current of single isolated Helix central neurons, British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.95, (号), 526-530, 1988..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Norio Akaike and David Carpenter : Strychinine decreases the voltage-dependent Ca2+ current of both Aplysia and frog ganglion neurons, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Vol.8, (号), 307-314, 1988..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Junichi Sadoshima, Naofumi Tokutomi and Norio Akaike : Some properties of inhibitory action of lidocaine on the Ca2+ current of single isolated frog sensory neurons, Brain Research, Vol.442, (号), 223-226, 1988..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Akaike, Yasuo Tsuda and Yasuo Oyama : Separation of current- and voltage-dependent inactivation of calcium currents in frog sensory neurons, Neuroscience Letters, Vol.84, (号), 46-50, 1988..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Martin Evans, Norio Akaike and David Carpenter : Electrophysiological detection of acetylcholinestrase activity using concentration clamp on physically-isolated Aplysia neurons, Neuroscience Research, Vol.6, (号), 174-180, 1988..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Wein King, Norio Akaike and David Carpenter : Characterization of an inward current elicited by edrophonium in physically-isolated and internally-perfused Aplysia neurons, Brain Research, Vol.438, (号), 124-132, 1988..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Akaike, Yasuo Oyama and Naofumi Tokutomi : Inhibition of drug-gated chloride currents by calcium influx in frog sensory neurons, Neuroscience Research, Vol.5, (号), 557-562, 1988..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Inomata, Naofumi Tokutomi, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Intracellular picrotoxin blocks pentobarbital-gated Cl- conductance, Neuroscience Research, Vol.6, No.1, 72-75, 1988..[著者] ...
閲覧 Makoto Kaneda, Yasuo Oyama, Yoshimi Ikemoto and Norio Akaike : Blockade of the voltage-dependent sodium current in isolated rat hippocampal neurons by tetrodotoxin and lidocaine, Brain Research, Vol.484, (号), 348-351, 1989..[著者] ...
閲覧 Makoto Kaneda, Yasuo Oyama, Yoshimi Ikemoto and Norio Akaike : Scorpion toxin prolongs an inactivation phase of the voltage-dependent sodium current in rat isolated single hippocampal neurons, Brain Research, Vol.487, (号), 192-195, 1989..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Nobuaki Hori, Macheal Evans, Charles Allen and David Carpenter : Electrophysiological estimation of actions of acetylcholinestrase inhibitors on acetylcholine receptor and cholinestrase in physically-isolated Aplysia neurons, British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.96, (号), 573-582, 1989..[著者] ...
閲覧 Takashi Yakushiji, Takemi Fukuda, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Effects of benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine compounds on the GABA-induced response in frog isolated sensory neurons, British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.98, (号), 735-740, 1989..[著者] ...
閲覧 Takashi Yakushiji, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Comparative study on barbiturates using isolated single neurons: GABA-mimetic action and augmentatory action on GABA response, Brain Research, Vol.488, (号), 357-360, 1989..[著者] ...
閲覧 Minoru Wakamori, Makoto Kaneda, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Effects of chlorodiazepoxide, chlorpromazine, diazepam, diphenylhydantoin, flunitrazepam, and haloperidol on the voltage-dependent sodium current of isolated mammalian brain neurons, Brain Research, Vol.494, (号), 374-378, 1989..[著者] ...
閲覧 Satoru Ishizuka, Sujit Sikdar, Shozo Yasui, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Alpha-chloralose opens the chloride channel of frog isolated sensory neurons, Brain Research, Vol.498, (号), 181-184, 1989..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Akaike, Yasuo Oyama and Takashi Yakushiji : Influences of external Ca2+ on the GABA-induced chloride current and the efficacy of diazepam in internally-perfused frog sensory neuronss, Brain Research, Vol.504, (号), 293-296, 1989..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Yoshimi Ikemoto, Karel Kits and Norio Akaike : GABA affects the glutamate receptor-chloride channel complex in mechanically-isolated and internally-perfused Aplysia neurons, European Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.185, No.1, 43-52, 1990..[著者] ...
閲覧 Junichi Sadoshima, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Inhibition of nicotinic acetylcholine response by atropine in frog isolated sympathetic neurons, Brain Research, Vol.508, (号), 147-151, 1990..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Nobuaki Hori, Charles Allen and David Carpenter : Influence of trypsin and collagenase on acetylcholine responses of physically-isolated single neurons of Aplysia californica, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Vol.10, (号), 198-205, 1990..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Triphenyltin: a potent excitatory neurotoxicant. Its reciprocal effects on voltage-dependent Na+ and K+ currents of mammalian brain neuronss, Neuroscience Letters, Vol.119, (号), 261-264, 1990..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Toshio Nakaye, Norio Akaike and Katsuya Tsuchida : Effect of CD349, a new dihydropyridine derivative Ca2+ antagonist, on the voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents in isolated brain neurons, Archives internationales de Pharmacodymie et de Therapie, Vol.313, (号), 47-62, 1991..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Nobutoshi Harata and Norio Akaike : Delayed potassium current and non-specific outward current in pyramidal neurons acutely isolated from rat hypocampus, Brain Research, Vol.568, (号), 350-354, 1991..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Nobutoshi Harata and Norio Akaike : Rapid interaction of tetraethylammonium with delayed K+ channels in mammalian brain neuron, Neuroscience Letters, Vol.131, (号), 153-155, 1991..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa, Fukiyo Tomiyoshi and Hiromi Hayashi : Cytotoxic action of triphenyltin on mouse thymocytes: a flow cytometric study using fluorescent dyes for membrane potential and intracellular Ca2+, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.57, (号), 419-424, 1991..[著者] ...
閲覧 Lumi Chikahisa and Yasuo Oyama : Tri-n-butyltin increases intracellular Ca2+ in mouse thymocytes: a flow cytometric study using fluorescent dyes for membrane potential and intracellular Ca2+, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Vol.71, (号), 190-195, 1992..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama : Modification of voltage-dependent Na+ current by triphenyltin, an environmental pollutant, in isolated mammalian brain neuons, Brain Research, Vol.583, (号), 93-99, 1992..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa, Akemi Hayashi, Toshiko Ueha, Mitsuhiro Sato and Hideki Matoba : Triphenyltin-induced increase in the intracellular Ca2+ of dissocaited mammalian CNS neuron: its independence from voltage-dependent Ca2+ channesls, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.58, (号), 467-471, 1992..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Nobutoshi Harata and Norio Akaike : Accelerating action of quinidine on the decay phase of transient outward current in dissociated hippocampal pyramidal neurons of rats, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.58, No.2, 185-188, 1992..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa, Katuhiko Noda, Hiromi Hayashi and Fukiyo Tomiyoshi : Characterization of the triphenyltin-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ of mouse thymocytes: comparison with the action of A23187, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.60, (号), 159-167, 1992..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Toshiko Ueha, Akemi Hayashi, Limi Chikahisa and Katuhiko Noda : Flow cytometric estimation of the effect of Gingko biloba extract on the content of hydrogen peroxide in dissociated mammalian brain neurons, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.60, (号), 385-388, 1992..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Akemi Hayashi, Toshiko Ueha, Lumi Chikahisa and Katsutoshi Furukawa : Fluorescent estimation on the effect of Ca2+-antagonist on the oxidative metabolism in dissocaited mammalian brain neurons, Brain Research, Vol.610, (号), 172-175, 1993..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Akaike, Hitoshi Ishibashi, Nobutoshi Harata, Yasuo Oyama and Toshiko Ueha : Effects of KB-2796, a new dihydroptridine Ca2+-antagonist, on voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents and oxidative metabolism in dissociated mammalian CNS neurons, Brain Research, Vol.619, (号), 263-270, 1993..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Toshiko Ueha and Akemi Hayashi : Effect of tri-n-butyltin on intracellular Ca2+ concentration of rat cerebellar neurons, European Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.248, (号), 89-93, 1993..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Akemi Hayashi and Toshiko Ueha : Ca2+-induced increase in oxidative metabolism of dissociated mammalian brain neurons: effect of extrcat of Ginkgo biloba leaves, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.61, (号), 367-370, 1993..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Akemi Hayashi, Toshiko Ueha and Katuhiko Noda : Characterization of 2,7-dichlrorofluorescein fluorescence in dissociated mammalian brain neurons: estimation on intracellular content of hydrogen peroxide, Brain Research, Vol.635, 113-117, 1994..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Paul Fuchs, Norihiro Katayama and Katuhiko Noda : Myricetin and quercetin, the flavonoid constituents of Ginko biloba extract, greatly reduce oxidative metabolism in both resting and Ca2+-loaded brain neurons, Brain Research, Vol.635, 125-129, 1994..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Fukiyo Tomiyoshi, Shinya Ueno, Katsutoshi Furukawa and Lumi Chikahisa : Methylmercury-induced augmentation of oxidative metabolism in cerebellar neurons dissociated from the rats: its dependence on intracellualr Ca2+, Brain Research, Vol.660, 154-157, 1994..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Katsuhiko Furukawa, Lumi Chikahisa and Yoshiko Hatakeyama : Effect of N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate on ionomycin-induced increase in oxidation of cellular 2,7-dichlorofluorescin in dissociated cerebellar neurons, Brain Research, Vol.660, 158-161, 1994..[著者] ...
閲覧 Katsuhiko Furukawa, Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa, Yoshiko Hatakeyama and Norio Akaike : Flow cytometric analysis on cytotoxic action of amyloid beta-protein fragment 25-35 on brain neurons dissociated from rats, Brain Research, Vol.660, No.1-2, 259-262, 1994..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa, Hideki Matoba and Katsuhiko Furukawa : Attenuation of Ca2+-induced increase in oxidative metabolism by cooling and calmodulin antagonist in mammalian brain neuron, Brain Research, Vol.664, No.1-2, 220-224, 1994..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Toshiko Ueha, Akemi Hayashi and Lumi Chikahisa : Effect of tri-n-butyltin on intracellular Ca2+ concentration of mouse thymocytes under Ca2+-free condition, European Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.270, No.2-3, 137-142, 1994..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, David Carpenter, Shinya Ueno, Hiromi Hayashi and Fukiyo Tomiyoshi : Methylmercury activates Ca2+-dependent K+ conductance of mouse thymocytes: a flow cytometric study using fluorescent dyes, European Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.293, No.2, 101-107, 1995..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa, Toshiko Ueha, Yoshiko Hatakeyama and Takuya Kokubun : Change in membrane permeability induced by amyloid beta-protein fragment 25-35 in brain neurons dissociated from the rats, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.68, No.1, 77-83, 1995..[著者] ...
閲覧 Lumi Chikahisa, Yasuo Oyama, Eisuke Okazaki and Katuhiko Noda : Fluorescent estimation on H2O2-indiced chnages in cell viability and cellular nonprotein thiol level of dissociated rat thymocytes, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.71, No.4, 299-305, 1996..[著者] ...
閲覧 Eisuke Okazaki, Lumi Chikahisa, Kaori Kanemaru and Yasuo Oyama : Flow cytometric analysis on the H2O2-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration of rat thymocytes, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.71, No.4, 273-280, 1996..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Eisuke Okazaki, Lumi Chikahisa, Takayuki Nagano and Chiharu Sadakata : Oxidative stress-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration and Ca2+-induced increase in oxidative stress: an experimental model using dissociated brain neurons, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.72, No.4, 381-385, 1996..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa, Toshiko Ueha, Kaori Kanemaru and Katuhiko Noda : Ginkgo biloba extract protects brain neurons aganist oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide, Brain Research, Vol.712, No.2, 349-352, 1996..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, David Carpenter, Lumi Chikahisa and Eisuke Okazaki : Flow-cytometric estimation on glutamate- and kainate-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration of brain neurons, Brain Research, Vol.728, No.1, 121-124, 1996..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiko Ueha, Yasuo Oyama and Fukiyo Tomiyoshi : Cytotoxic action of tri-n-butyltin on cerebellar neurons dissociated from the rats: a flow cytometric study, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Vol.78, No.6, 404-408, 1996..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Chiharu Sadakata, Lumi Chikahisa, Takayuki Nagano and Eisuke Okazaki : Flow-cytometric analysis on kinate-induced decrease in the cellular content of nonprotein thiols in dissociated rat brain neurons, Brain Research, Vol.760, No.1-2, 277-280, 1997..[著者] ...
閲覧 Eisuke Okazaki, Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa, Takayuki Nagano, Norikazu Katayama and Mineshi Sakamoto : Fluorescent estimation on cytotoxicity of methylmercury in dissociated rat cerebellar neurons: its comparison with ionomycin, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.3, No.4, 237-244, 1997..[著者] ...
閲覧 Takayuki Nagano, Yasuo Oyama, Noriko Kajita, Lumi Chikahisa, Mami Nakata, Eisuke Okazaki and Toshiya Masuda : New curcuminoids isolated from Zingiber cassumunar protect cells suffering from oxidative stress: a flow cytometric study using rat thymocytes and H2O2, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.75, No.4, 363-370, 1997..[著者] ...
閲覧 Lumi Chikahisa, Yasuo Oyama, Yoko Iguchi, Eisuke Okazaki, Norikazu Miyoshi, Masaya Satoh and Yuji Yamada : Effects of triphenyltin on growth and viability of K562 leukemia cells, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.6, (号), 209-215, 1998..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa, Kaori Kanemaru, Mami Nakata, Sachi Noguchi, Takayuki Nagano, Eisuke Okazaki and Akira Hirata : Cytotoxic actions of FTY720, a novel immunosuppressant, on thymocytes and brain neurons dissociated from the rat, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.76, (号), 377-385, 1998..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Mami Nakata, Mineshi Sakamoto, Lumi Chikahisa, Norikazu Miyoshi and Masaya Satoh : Methylmercury toxicity in rat brain neurons: modificatons by compounds possessing SH-group and comparison with dimethylmercury, N-ethylmaleimide, and ionomycin, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.6, (号), 221-227, 1998..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiya Masuda, Hiroyuki Matsumura, Yasuo Oyama, Yoshio Takeda, Akiko Jitoe, Atsuko Kida and Kayo Hidaka : Synthesis of (+-)-Cassumunins A and B, New Curcuminoid Antioxidants Having Protective Activity of the Living Cell against Oxidative Damage, Journal of Natural Products, Vol.61, No.5, 609-613, 1998..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Toshiya Masuda, Mami Nakata, Lumi Chikahisa, Yuko Yamazaki, Kumiko Miura and Makiko Okagawa : Protective action of 5'-n-alkylated curcumins on living cells suffering from oxidative stress, European Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.360, (号), 65-71, 1998..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiya Masuda, Shigetomo Yonemori, Yasuo Oyama, Yoshio Takeda, Tomotika Tanaka, Tadao Andoh, Ayumi Shinohara and Mami Nakata : Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Environmental Plants: Activity of the Leaf Extracts from Seashore Plants, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol.47, No.4, 1749-1754, 1999..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Sachi Noguchi, Mami Nakata, Yoshihiko Okada, Yuko Yamazaki, Megumi Funai, Lumi Chikahisa and Kaori Kanemaru : Exposure of rat thymocytes to hydrogen peroxide increases annexin-V binding to membranes: inhibitory action of deferoxamine and quercetin, European Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.384, (号), 47-52, 1999..[著者] ...
閲覧 Masaya Satoh, Emi Karaki, Mamiko Kakehashi, Eisuke Okazaki, Toshio Gotoh and Yasuo Oyama : Heavy-metal induced changes in cellular nonproteinaceous thiol levels and heavy metal-binding peptides in Tetraselmis tetrathele (Prasinophyceae), Journal of Phycology, Vol.35, (号), 989-994, 1999..[著者] ...
閲覧 Mami Nakata, Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa, Yuko Yamazaki and Masaya Satoh : Flow cytometric analysis on tri-n-butyltin-induced increase in annexin V binding to membranes of rat thymocytes, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.7, (号), 267-273, 1999..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Yuko Yamazaki, Yoshihiko Okada, Kazuo Takahama, Masaya Satoh and Hiromi Hayashi : Toxicity of methylmercury conjugated with L-cysteine on rat thymocytes in comparison with that of methylmercury, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.9, No.1, 49-55, 2000..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yoshihiko Okada, Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa, Kaori Kanemaru, Hitomi Sakai, Katuhiko Noda and Masaya Satoh : Tri-n-butyltin-induced decrease in cellular level of glutathione in rat thymocytes: a flow cytometric study using 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate, Toxicology Letters, Vol.117, (号), 123-128, 2000..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kei Sakai, Yasuo Oyama, Yoshihito Okada, Norihiko Akaike, Mami Nakata and Lumi Chikahisa : Tri-n-butyltin delays the cell death induced by hydrogen peroxide in rat thymocytes, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.10, No.3, 95-101, 2001..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiya Masuda, Kumiko Iritani, Shigetomo Yonemori, Yasuo Oyama and Yoshio Takeda : Isolation and Antioxidant Activity of the Galloyl Flavonol Glycosides from a Seashore Plant, Pemphis acidula, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, Vol.65, No.6, 1302-1309, 2001..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kiyonori Kishimoto, Shin-ichiro Matsuo, Yumiko Kanemoto, Hitoshi Ishibashi, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Nanomolar concentrations of tri-n-butyltin facilitate gamma-aminobutylic acidergic synaptic transmission in rat hypothalamic neuronss, The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Vol.299, No.1, 171-177, 2001..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiya Masuda, Yasuo Oyama, Shigetomo Yonemori, Yoshio Takeda, Yuko Yamanazaki, Shinichi Mizuguchi, Mami Nakata and Tomochika Tanaka : Flow Cytometric Estimation on Cytotoxic Activity of Leaf Extracts from Seashore Plants in Subtropical Japan: Isolation, Quantification and Cytotoxic Action of (-)-Deoxypodpphyllotoxin, Phytotherapy Research, Vol.16, No.4, 353-358, 2002..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Kanemoto, Hitoshi Ishibashi, Shin-ichiro Matsuo, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Modification of NMDA responses by tri-n-butyltin in rat brain neurons, British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.136, No.2, 201-206, 2002..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Tomohiro Arata, Lumi Chikahisa, Fumio Soeda and Kazuo Takahama : Estimation of increased concentration of intracellular Cd2+ by fluo-3 in rat thymocytes exposed to CdCl2, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.11, No.2, 111-118, 2002..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Hitomi Sakai, Tomohiro Arata, Yoshiro Okano, Norihiko Akaike, Kei Sakai and Katuhiko Noda : Cytotoxic effects of methanol, formaldehyde, and formate on dissociate rat thymocytes: a possibility of aspartame toxicity, Cell Biology and Toxicology, Vol.18, No.1, 43-50, 2002..[著者] ...
閲覧 増田 俊哉, 小山 保夫, 稲葉 譲, 戸井 由紀子, 荒田 智裕, 武田 美雄, 仲本 勝男, 國永 秀樹, 西里 さおり, 野中 亮 : 沖縄産食薬用植物エタノール抽出物の抗酸化関連活性, 日本食品科学工学会誌, Vol.49, No.10, 652-661, 2002年..[著者] ...
閲覧 Masaya Satoh, Yoshinobu Hirachi, Ai Yoshioka, Maki Kobayashi and Yasuo Oyama : Determination of cellular levels of nonprotein thiols and their correlations with susceptibility to mercury in phytoplankton, Journal of Phycology, Vol.38, No.5, 983-990, 2002..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tomohiro Arata, Yasuo Oyama, Masaya Satoh, Hiromi Hayashi and Yoshiro Okano : Cytotoxic effects of triphenylbismuth on rat thymocytes: Comparison with bismuth chloride and triphenyltin chloride, Environmental Toxicology, Vol.17, No.5, 472-477, 2002..[著者] ...
閲覧 Hiromi Hayashi, Hitomi Sakai, Wakako Minakuchi-Fijiwara, Miki Takayama, Michiko Nakamura-Murata, Yoshiko Kamo, Kanako Funakoshi, Keisuke Fukumoto, Kaori Kanemaru, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Yasuo Oyama, Nobuyuki Shinohara and Yoshihiro Ito : Cytokinesis arrest and nuclear fission in low density populations of Trichomonad Protozoan, Zoological Science, Vol.19, No.10, 1089-1094, 2002..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiya Masuda, Yasuo Oyama, Tomohiro Arata, Yuzuru Inaba and Yoshio Takeda : Cytotoxic Activity of Quinone Derivatives of Phenolic Diterpenes from Sage, ITE Letters, Vol.3, No.1, 39-42, 2002..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Tomohiro Arata, Lumi Chikahisa, Chisato Umebayashi, Ken Tabaru, Kei Sakai and Hiromi Hayashi : Effects of A23187 and CaCl2 on tri-n-butyltin-induced cell death in rat thymocytes, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.13, No.1, 29-36, 2003..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasutaka Nishizaki, Yasuo Oyama, Yoshiro Sakai, Seigo Hirama, Kazuyoshi Tomita, Hiromi Nakao, Chisato Umebayashi, Shiro Ishida, Yoshiro Okano and David Carpenter : PbCl2-induced hyperpolarization of rat thymocytes: involvement of charybdotoxin-sensitive K+ channels, Environmental Toxicology, Vol.18, No.5, 321-326, 2003..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasutaka Nishizaki, Hiromi Nakao, Chisato Umebayashi, Kyoko Iwase, Tomoko Tatsuishi, Masaya Satoh and Yasuo Oyama : Increase in number of annexin V-positive living cells of rat thymocytes by intracellular Pb2+, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.15, No.1, 45-51, 2003..[著者] ...
閲覧 Hiromi Nakao, Chisato Umebayashi, Katuhiko Noda, Yoshiro Okano and Yasuo Oyama : Formaldehyde-induced shrinkage of rat thymocytes, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol.91, No.1, 83-86, 2003..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chisato Umebayashi, Natsuko Yamamoto, Hiromi Nakao, Yukiko Toi, Lumi Chikahisa-Muramatsu, Kaori Kanemaru, Toshiya Masuda and Yasuo Oyama : Flow cytometric estimation of cytotoxic activity of rhodexin A isolated from Rhodea japonica in human leukemia K562 cells, Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Vol.26, No.5, 627-630, 2003..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiya Masuda, Yasuo Oyama, Natsuko Ymamamoto, Chisato Umebayashi, Hiromi Nakao, Yukiko Toi, Yoshio Takeda, Katsuo Nakamoto, Hideki Kuninaga, Yukari NIshizato and Akira Nonaka : Cytotoxic Screening of Medicinal and Edible Plants in Okinawa, Japan, and Identification of the Main Toxic Constituent of Rhodea japonica (Omoto), Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, Vol.67, No.6, 1401-1404, 2003..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chisato Umebayashi, Yasuo Oyama, Lumi Chikahisa-Muramatsu, Hiromi Nakao, Yasutaka Nishizaki, Mami Nakata, Fumio Soeda and Kazuo Takahama : Tri-n-butyltin-induced cytotoxicity on rat thymocytes in presence and absence of serum, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.18, No.1, 55-61, 2004..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tomoko Tatsuishi, Kyoko Iwase, Yumiko Nishimura, Hiromi Nakao, Chisato Umebayashi, Toshiko Ueha-Ishibashi, Yasuo Oyama and Alexander Boldyrev : H2O2-induced death of rat thymocytes is delayed by thimerosal, a preservative in vaccines, Biologicheskie Membrany, Vol.21, No.4, 306-309, 2004..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiko Ueha-Ishibashi, Yasuo Oyama, Hiromi Nakao, Chisato Umebayashi, Yasutaka Nishizaki, Tomoko Tatsuishi, Kyoko Iwase, Koji Murao and Hakaru Seo : Effect of thimerosal, a preservative in vaccines, on intracellular Ca2+ concentration of rat cerebellar neurons, Toxicology, Vol.195, No.1, 77-84, 2004..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiko Ueha-Ishibashi, Tomoko Tatsuishi, Kyoko Iwase, Hiromi Nakao, Chisato Umebayashi, Yasutaka Nishizaki, Yumiko Nishimura, Yasuo Oyama, Seigo Hirama and Yoshiro Okano : Property of thimerosal-induced decrease in cellular content of glutathione in rat thymocytes: A flow cytometric study with 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.18, No.5, 563-569, 2004..[著者] ...
閲覧 Seigo Hirama, Tomoko Tatsuishi, Kyoko Iwase, Hiromi Nakao, Chisato Umebayashi, Yasutaka Nishizaki, Masako Kobayashi, Shiro Ishida, Yoshiro Okano and Yasuo Oyama : Flow cytometric analysis on adverse effects of polysorbate 80 in rat thymocytes, Toxicology, Vol.199, No.2-3, 137-143, 2004..[著者] ...
閲覧 Hiromi Nakao, Kaori Senokuchi, Chisato Umebayashi, Kaori Kanemaru, Toshiya Masuda, Yasuo Oyama and Shigetomo Yonemori : Cytotoxic activity of maytanprine isolated from Maytenus diversifolia in human leukemia K562 cells, Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Vol.27, No.8, 1236-1240, 2004..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kyoko Iwase, Tomoko Tatsuishi, Yumiko Nishimura, Jun-ya Yamaguchi, Yasuo Oyama, Norikazu Miyoshi and Makoto Wada : Cytometric analysis on adverse action of diphenyl ditellurde on rat thymocytes: Cell shrinkage as cytotoxic parameter, Environmental Toxicology, Vol.19, No.6, 614-619, 2004..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kyoko Iwase, Yasuo Oyama, Tomoko Tatsuishi, Jun-ya Yamaguchi, Yumiko Nishimura, Aimi Kanada, Masako Kobayashi, Yuko Maemura, Shiro Ishida and Yoshiro Okano : Cremophor EL augments the cytotoxicity of hydrogen peroxide in lymphocytes dissociated from rat thymus glands, Toxicology Letters, Vol.154, No.1-2, 143-148, 2004..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiko Ueha-Ishibashi, Yasuo Oyama, Hiromi Nakao, Chisato Umebayashi, Yasutaka Nishizaki, Seigo Hirama, Yoshiro Sakai, Shiro Ishida and Yoshiro Okano : Flow-cytometric analysis on cytotoxic effect of thimerosal, a preservative in vaccines, on lymphocytes dissociated from rat thymic glands, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.19, No.2, 191-198, 2005..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tomoko Tatsuishi, Yasuo Oyama, Kyoko Iwase, Jun-ya Yamaguchi, Masako Kobayashi, Yumiko Nishimura, Aimi Kanada and Seigo Hirama : Polysorbate 80 increases the susceptibility to oxidative stress in rat thymocytes, Toxicology, Vol.207, No.1, 7-14, 2005..[著者] ...
閲覧 Aimi Kanada, Yumiko Nishimura, Jun-ya Yamaguchi, Masako Kobayashi, Kyoko Mishima, Kanna Horimoto, Kaori Kanemaru and Yasuo Oyama : Extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves attenuates kainate-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration of rat cerebellar granule neurons, Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Vol.28, No.5, 934-936, 2005..[著者] ...
閲覧 Jun-ya Yamaguchi, Yumiko Nishimura, Aimi Kanada, Masako Kobayashi, Kyoko Mishima, Tomoko Tatsuishi, Kyoko Iwase and Yasuo Oyama : Cremophor EL, a non-ionic surfactant, promotes Ca2+-dependent process of cell death in rat thymocytes, Toxicology, Vol.211, No.3, 179-186, 2005..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Nishimura, Aimi Kanada, Jun-ya Yamaguchi, Kanna Horimoto, Masako Kobayashi, Tomoko Tatsuishi, Kaori Kanemaru, Shin-ya Ueno and Yasuo Oyama : Cytometric analysis of lidocaine-induced cytotoxicity: a model experiment using rat thymocytes, Toxicology, Vol.218, No.1, 48-57, 2006..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Nishimura, Jun-ya Yamaguchi, Aimi Kanada, Kanna Horimoto, Kaori Kanemaru, Masaya Satoh and Yasuo Oyama : Increase in intracellular Cd2+ concentration of rat cerebellar granule neurons incubated with cadmium chloride: Cadmium cytotoxicity under external Ca2+-free condition, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.20, No.2, 211-216, 2006..[著者] ...
閲覧 Ken-ichi Chikutei, Tomohiro Oyama, Shiro Ishida, Yoshiro Okano, Masako Kobayashi, Hiroko Matsui, Kanna Horimoto, Yumiko Nishimura, Shin-ya Ueno and Yasuo Oyama : Propofol, an anesthetic possessing neuroprotective action against oxidative stress, promotes the process of cell death induced by H2O2 in rat thymocytes, European Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.540, No.1-3, 18-23, 2006..[著者] ...
閲覧 Aimi Kanada, Jun-ya Yamaguchi, Yumiko Nishimura, Tomohiro Oyama, Masaya Satoh, Norihiro Katayama, Ken-ichi Chikutei, Yoshiro Okano and Yasuo Oyama : Tri-n-butyltin-induced blockade of store-operated calcium influx in rat thymocytes, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.22, No.2, 213-218, 2006..[著者] ...
閲覧 Jun-ya Yamaguchi, Aimi Kanada, Kanna Horimoto, Tomohiro Oyama, Ken-ichi Chikutei, Yumiko Nishimura, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Shiro Ishida, Yasuo Oyama and Yoshiro Okano : Modification of vulnerability to dodecylbenzenesulfonate, an anionic surfactant, by calcium in rat thymocytes, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.22, No.2, 234-239, 2006..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kanna Horimoto, Yumiko Nishimura, Tomohiro Oyama, Kyoko Onoda, Hiroko Matsui, Toshihisa Oyama, Kaori Kanemaru, Toshiya Masuda and Yasuo Oyama : Reciprocal effects of glucose on the process of cell death induced by calcium ionophore or H2O2 in rat lymphocytes, Toxicology, Vol.225, No.2-3, 97-108, 2006..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tomohiro Oyama, Toshihisa Oyama, Keisuke Oyama, Hiroko Matsui, Kanna Horimoto, Yumiko Nishimura and Yasuo Oyama : Clotrimazole, an antifungal drug possessing diverse actions, increases the vulnerability to cadmium in lymphocytes dissociated from rat thymus, Toxicology, Vol.228, No.2-3, 269-279, 2006..[著者] ...
閲覧 Hiroko Matsui, Midori Morimoto, Kanna Horimoto and Yumiko Nishimura : Some characteristics of fluoride-induced cell death in rat thymocytes: Cytotoxicity of sodium fluoride, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.21, No.6, 1113-1120, 2007..[指導教員] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Oyama, Hiroko Matsui, Midori Morimoto, Yoko Sakanashi, Yumiko Nishimura, Shiro Ishida and Yoshiro Okano : Synergic cytotoxic action induced by simultaneous application of zinc and clotrimazole in rat thymocytes, Toxicology Letters, Vol.171, No.3, 138-145, 2007..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tomohiro Oyama, Toshihisa Oyama, Keisuke Oyama, Yoko Sakanashi, Midori Morimoto, Hiroko Matsui and Yasuo Oyama : Clotrimazole, an antifungal drug possessing diverse actions, increases membrane permeation of cadmium in rat thymocytes, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.21, No.8, 1505-1512, 2007..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yoko Sakanashi, Keisuke Oyama, Hiroko Matusi, Toshihisa Oyama, Tomohiro Oyama, Yumiko Nishimura, Hitomi Sakai and Yasuo Oyama : Possible use of quercetin, an antioxidant, for protection of cells suffering from overload of intracellular Ca2+: A model experiment, Life Sciences, Vol.83, No.5-6, 164-169, 2008..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Nishimura, Toshihisa Oyama, Yoko Sakanashi, Tomohiro Oyama, Hiroko Matsui, Yoshiro Okano and Yasuo Oyama : Some characteristics of quercetin-induced cytotoxicity on rat thymocytes under in vitro condition, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.22, No.4, 1002-1007, 2008..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yoko Sakanashi, Midori Morimoto, Yumiko Nishimura, Hiroko Matsui, Kaori Kanemaru, Toshiya Masuda and Yasuo Oyama : Cytometric analysis of the cytotoxic action of adenosine 5'-monophosphate on rat thymocytes, Journal of Health Science, Vol.54, No.6, 692-696, 2008..[著者] ...
閲覧 Hiroko Matsui, Yoko Sakanashi, Tomohiro Oyama, Yasuo Oyama, Shin-ichi Yokota, Shiro Ishida, Yoshiro Okano, Toshihisa Oyama and Yumiko Nishimura : Imidazole antifungals, but not triazole antifungals, increase membrane Zn2+ permeability in rat thymocytes: Possible contribution to their cytotoxicity, Toxicology, Vol.248, No.2-3, 142-150, 2008..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yoko Sakanashi, Tomohiro Oyama, Yuki Matsuo, Toshihisa Oyama, Yumiko Nishimura, Shiro Ishida, Shoji Imai, Yoshiro Okano and Yasuo Oyama : Zn2+, derived from cell preparation, partly attenuates Ca2+-dependent cell death induced by A23187, calcium ionophore, in rat thymocytes, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.23, No.2, 338-345, 2009..[著者] ...
閲覧 Jun Akiyama, Hiroshi Ogasa, Yoshiko Hirata, Kohei Yamashita, Haruka Shibagaki, Fumika Tanaka, Yoko Sakanashi and Yasuo Oyama : Effect of econazole on membrane calcium transport in rat thymocytes, Natural Science Research, Vol.23, No.1, 1-6, 2009..[著者] ...
閲覧 Akio Kinazaki, Yoko Sakanashi, Tomohiro Oyama, Haruka Shibagaki, Kohei Yamashita, Erika Hashimoto, Yumiko Nishimura, Shiro Ishida, Yoshiro Okano and Yasuo Oyama : Micromolar Zn2+ potentiates the cytotoxic action of submicromolar econazole in rat thymocytes: Possible disturbance of intracellular Ca2+ and Zn2+ homeostasis, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.23, No.4, 610-616, 2009..[著者] ...
閲覧 Aya Fujimoto, Yoko Sakanashi, Hiroko Matusi, Toshihisa Oyama, Yumiko Nishimura, Toshiya Masuda and Yasuo Oyama : Cytometric analysis of cytotoxicity of polyphenols and related phenolics to rat thymocytes: Potent cytotoxicity of resveratrol to normal cells, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Vol.104, No.6, 455-462, 2009..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiya Masuda, Aya Fujimoto, Yasuo Oyama, Tomomi Maekawa and Yoshiaki Sone : Structures of cytotoxic products from Fe-catalyzed oxidation of sesamol in ethanol, Tetrahedron Letters, Vol.50, No.27, 3905-3908, 2009..[著者] ...
閲覧 Erika Hashimoto, Toshihisa Oyama, Keisuke Oyama, Yumiko Nishimura, Tomohiro Oyama, Toshiko Ueha-Ishibashi, Yoshiro Okano and Yasuo Oyama : Increase in intracellular Zn2+ concentration by thimerosal in rat thymocytes: Intracellular Zn2+ release induced by oxidative stress, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.23, No.6, 1092-1099, 2009..[著者] ...
閲覧 Hiroko Matsui, Yoko Sakanashi, Yumiko Nishimura, Takuya Kawanai, Yasuo Oyama, Shiro Ishida and Yoshiro Okano : Effects of Zn2+ chelators, DTPA and TPEN, and ZnCl2 on the cells treated with hydrogen peroxide: a flow-cytometric study using rat thymocytes, Natural Science Research, Vol.23, No.2, 13-19, 2009..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshihisa Oyama, Keisuke Oyama, Takuya Kawanai, Tomohiro Oyama, Erika Hashimoto, Masaya Satoh and Yasuo Oyama : Tri-n-butyltin increases intracellular Zn2+ concentration by decreasing cellular thiol content in rat thymocytes, Toxicology, Vol.262, No.3, 245-249, 2009..[著者] ...
閲覧 Takuya Kawanai, Masaya Satoh, Koji Murao and Yasuo Oyama : Methylmercury elicits intracellular Zn2+ release in rat thymocytes: Its relation to methylmercury-induced decrease in cellular thiol content, Toxicology Letters, Vol.191, No.2-3, 231-235, 2009..[著者] ...
閲覧 Ikuko Ogata, Takuya Kawanai, Erika Hashimoto, Yumiko Nishimura, Hakaru Seo and Yasuo Oyama : Bisabololoxide A, one of main constituents in chamomile extract, induces apoptosis in rat thymocytes, Archives of Toxicology, Vol.84, No.1, 45-52, 2010..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Nishimura and Yasuo Oyama : Cytotoxic actions of lidocaine at sublethal concentrations: A model in vitro experiment using rat thymocytes, Natural Science Research, Vol.24, No.1, 1-5, 2010..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tomohiro Oyama, Keisuke Oyama, Toshihisa Oyama, Shiro Ishida, Yoshiro Okano and Yasuo Oyama : Zinc at clinically-relevant concentrations potentiates the cytotoxicity of polysorbate 80, a nonionic surfactant, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.24, No.3, 737-744, 2010..[著者] ...
閲覧 Erika Hashimoto, Kaori Kimura, Takuya Kawanai, Yumiko Nishimura and Yasuo Oyama : Nitroprusside increases intracellular Zn2+ concentration without affecting cellular thiol content: A model experiment using rat thymocytes and FluoZin-3, Natural Science Research, Vol.24, No.2, 6-11, 2010..[著者] ...
閲覧 Takuya Kawanai, Soya Harada, Chiharu Kubota, Erika Hashimoto and Yasuo Oyama : ZnCl2 and vitamin C, known as antioxidants, differently potentiate the cytotoxicity of H2O2 in rat thymocytes: Cytometric analysis using forward and side scatters, Natural Science Research, Vol.24, No.3, 12-19, 2010..[著者] ...
閲覧 Hiroko Matsui, Tomohiro Oyama, Yoshiro Okano, Erika Hashimoto, Takuya Kawanai and Yasuo Oyama : Low micromolar zinc exerts cytotoxic action under H2O2-induced oxidative stress: Excessive increase in intracellular Zn2+ concentration, Toxicology, Vol.276, No.1, 27-32, 2010..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiya Masuda, Yoshimi Shingai, Aya Fujimoto, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Yasuo Oyama, Tomomi Maekawa and Yoshiaki Sone : Identification of cytotoxic dimers in oxidation product from sesamol, a potent antioxidant of sesame oil, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol.58, No.20, 10880-10885, 2010..[著者] ...
閲覧 Aya Fujimoto, Yoshimi Shingai, Toshihisa Oyama, Takuya Kawanai, Erika Hashimoto, Kazuki Koizumi, Kaori Kimura, Toshiya Masuda and Yasuo Oyama : Apoptosis-inducing action of two products from oxidation of sesamol, an antioxidative constituent of sesame oil: a possible cytotoxicity of oxidized antioxidant, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.24, No.6, 1720-1726, 2010..[著者] ...
閲覧 Soya Harada, Chiharu Kubota, Natsuho Kitano, Takuya Kawanai, Kazuki Koizumi, Yasuo Oyama, Akio Kinazaki, Shiro Ishida and Yoshiro Okano : NOR-3, a donor of nitric oxide, increases intracellular Zn2+ concentration and decreases cellular thiol content: A model experiment using rat thymocytes, FluoZin-3, and 5-chloromethylfluorescein, Natural Science Research, Vol.25, No.1, 1-6, 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kaori Kimura, Yumiko Nishimura, Keisuke Oyama, Takuya Kawanai, Erika Hashimoto and Yasuo Oyama : Tetracaine decreases intracellular Zn2+ concentration by inhibiting Zn2+ influx in rat thymocytes, Natural Science Research, Vol.25, No.2, 7-13, 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 Akio Kinazaki, Hongqin Chen, Kazuki Koizumi, Takuya Kawanai, Tomohiro Oyama, Masaya Satoh, Shiro Ishida, Yoshiro Okano and Yasuo Oyama : Putative role of intracellular Zn2+ release during oxidative stress: A trigger to restore cellular thiol content that is decreased by oxidative stress, The Journal of Physiological Sciences, Vol.61, No.5, 403-409, 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yosuke Endo, Zhehao Han, Jun Kurochi, Masahiro Sakata, Akinori Maetaka, Takayasu Yonezawa, Kazuki Koizumi and Yasuo Oyama : Zinc-pyrithione exerts diverse actions on human leukemia K562 cells: A preliminary study on hormetic action, Natural Science Research, Vol.25, No.3, 15-19, 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yoshimi Shingai, Aya Fujimoto, Asuka Nakajima, Minoru Saito, Kaori Kanemaru, Toshiya Masuda and Yasuo Oyama : Cytotoxic characteristics of two isomeric dimers produced by oxidation of sesamol, an antioxidant in sesame oil, Journal of Health Science, Vol.57, No.5, 425-431, 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 Ikuko Ogata, Hakaru Seo, Takuya Kawanai, Erika Hashimoto and Yasuo Oyama : Cytotoxic actions of bisabololoxide A (a constituent of German chamomile extract), 5-fluorouracil, and their combination on human leukemia K562 cells, Phytomedicine, Vol.18, No.5, 362-365, 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kazuki Koizumi, Kawanai Takuya, Erika Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Kanbara, Toshiya Masuda, Kaori Kanemaru, Yoshiro Okano and Yasuo Oyama : Cytometric analysis on cytotoxicity of curcumin on rat thymocytes: Proapoptotic and antiapoptotic actions of curcumin, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.25, No.4, 985-990, 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 Takuya Kawanai, Masahiro Fujinaga, Kazuki Koizumi, Isao Kurotani, Erika Hashimoto, Masaya Satoh, Shoji Imai, Norikazu Miyoshi and Yasuo Oyama : Some characteristics of membrane Cd2+ transport in rat thymocytes: An analysis using Fluo-3, Biometals, Vol.24, No.5, 903-914, 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 Ikumi Tamura, Minoru Saito, Yumiko Nishimura, Masaya Satoh, Hiroshi Yamamoto and Yasuo Oyama : Elevation of intracellular Ca2+ level by triclosan in rat thymic lymphocytes: Increase in membrane Ca2+ permeability and induction of intracellular Ca2+ release, Journal of Health Science, Vol.57, No.6, 540-546, 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 Ikumi Tamura, Yasuhiro Kanbara, Minoru Saito, Kanna Horimono, Masaya Satoh, Hiroshi Yamamoto and Yasuo Oyama : Triclosan, an antibacterial agent, increases intracellular Zn2+ concentration in rat thymocytes: Its relation to oxidative stress, Chemosphere, Vol.86, No.1, 70-75, 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Nishimura and Yasuo Oyama : Further analysis on lidocaine-induced increase in intracellular Zn2+ concentration: Cytometric model study using FluoZin-3, 5-chloromethylfluorescein, and rat thymocytes, Natural Science Research, Vol.26, No.2, 7-10, 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tomohiro Oyama, Minoru Saito, Takayasu Yonezawa, Okano Yoshiro and Yasuo Oyama : Nanomolar concentrations of zinc pyrithione increase cell susceptibility to oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide in rat thymocytes, Chemosphere, Vol.87, No.11, 1316-1322, 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuhiro Kanbara, Hakaru Seo, Yumiko Nishimura and Yasuo Oyama : Decrease in intracellular Zn2+ level by propranolol: A model experiment using rat thymocytes, Natural Science Research, Vol.26, No.3, 11-16, 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Hakaru Seo, Ikuko Ogata-Ikeda, Shiro Ishida, Yoshiro Okano and Yasuo Oyama : A comparison of the cellular actions of polaprezinc (zinc-L-carnosine) and ZnCl2, Life Sciences, Vol.90, No.25-26, 1015-1019, 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tomohiro Oyama, Shiro Ishida, Yoshiro Okano, Hakaru Seo and Yasuo Oyama : Clioquinol-induced increase and decrease in the intracellular Zn2+ level in rat thymocytes, Life Sciences, Vol.91, No.23-24, 1216-1220, 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yusuke Takahashi, Kaori Kanemaru, Shoji Imai, Norikazu Miyoshi, Takuya Kawanai and Yasuo Oyama : Yttrium decreases the intracellular Zn2+ concentration in rat thymocytes by attenuating a temperature-sensitive Zn2+ influx, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.34, No.2, 574-578, 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Junpei Morita, Aoi Teramachi, Yosuke Sanagawa, Saramaiti Toyson, Hiroshi Yamamoto and Yasuo Oyama : Elevation of intracellular Zn2+ level by nanomolar concentrations of triclocarban in rat thymocytes, Toxicology Letters, Vol.215, No.3, 208-213, 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yasuhiro Kanbara, Kazuhiro Murakane, Yumiko Nishimura, Masaya Satoh and Yasuo Oyama : Nanomolar concentration of triclocarban increases the vulnerability of rat thymocytes to oxidative stress, The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, Vol.38, No.1, 49-55, 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 Eri Fukunaga, Yasuhiro Kanbara, Yumi Hirao and Yasuo Oyama : Role of Zn2+ in restoration of nonprotein thiol content in the cells under chemical stress induced by triclocarban, Natural Science Research, Vol.27, No.1, 1-5, 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tsolmon Chimeddorj, Tomoko Suzuki, Kazuhiro Murakane, Miyuki Inai, Masaya Satoh and Yasuo Oyama : Synergistic increase in cell lethality by dieldrin and H2O2 in rat thymocytes: Effect of dieldrin on the cells exposed to oxidative stress, Chemosphere, Vol.93, No.2, 353-358, 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yuanzhi Sun, Molomjamts Enkhjargal, Aya Sugihara, Saki Yamada, Xiaohui Chen, Yukari Miura, Eri Fukunaga, Masaya Satoh and Yasuo Oyama : Effect of triclocarban on membrane potential of rat thymocytes: Assessment with bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid)trimethine oxonol, Natural Science Research, Vol.27, No.4, 51-57, 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 Abdul Hameed, Masaya Satoh, Yuka Furuhashi, Yasuo Oyama and Shahida Hasnain : Induction of non protein thiols by chromium in cyanobacteria isolated from polluted areas, African Journal of Microbiology Research, Vol.7, No.40, 4806-4811, 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tomohiro Oyama, Keisuke Oyama, Eri Fukunaga, Hitoshi Ishibashi and Yasuo Oyama : Clioquinol, a lipophilic Zn2+ chelator, augments and attenuates the cytotoxicity of H2O2: A bell-shaped response curve of the effects of the drug, Toxicology Research, Vol.3, No.2, 110-117, 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yukari Miura, Xiaohui Chen, Saki Yamada, Aya Sugihara, Molomjamts Enkhjargal, Yuanzhi Sun, Keiko Kuroda, Masaya Satoh and Yasuo Oyama : Triclocarban-induced change in intracellular Ca2+ level in rat thymocytes: Cytometric analysis with Fluo-3 under Zn2+-free conditions, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.37, No.2, 563-570, 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Eri Fukunaga, Yumi Hirao, Ikuko Ogata-Ikeda, Yumiko Nishimura, Hakaru Heo and Yasuo Oyama : Bisabololoxide A, one of the constituents in German Chamomile extract, attenuates cell death induced by calcium overload, Phytotherapy Research, Vol.28, No.5, 685-691, 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Eri Fukunaga, Shiro Ishida and Yasuo Oyama : Changes in cellular thiol content and intracellular Zn2+ level by 1,4-naphthoquinone in rat thymocytes, Chemico-Biological Interactions, Vol.222, 1-6, 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Hana Ohtani, Eri Fukunaga, Yasuo Oyama, Shiro Ishida and Norio Akaike : The paradoxical effect of 1,4-naphthoquinone on the process of cell death induced by hydrogen peroxide in rat thymocytes, Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, Vol.1, No.4, 123-129, 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Eri Fukunaga, Tomohiro Oyama and Yasuo Oyama : Elevation of intracellular Zn2+ level by 2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one in rat thymocytes: An involvement of a temperature-sensitive Zn2+ pathway, Toxicology Research, Vol.4, No.1, 65-70, 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Masahito Wakita, Yasuo Oyama, Yuko Takase and Norio Akaike : Modulation of excitatory synaptic transmission in rat hippocampal CA3 neurons by triphenyltin, an environmental pollutant, Chemosphere, Vol.120, (号), 598-607, 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Kanemoto-Kataoka, Tomohiro Oyama, Hitoshi Ishibashi and Yasuo Oyama : Dithiocarbamate fungicides increase intracellular Zn2+ levels by increasing influx of Zn2+ in rat thymic lymphocytes, Chemico-Biological Interactions, Vol.237, 80-86, 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Eri Fukunaga, Kana Enma, Shohei Saitoh, Yumiko Nishimura-Danjyobara, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Increase in intracellular Ca2+ level by phenylsulfamide fungicides, tolylfluanid and dichlofluanid, in rat thymic lymphocytes, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.40, No.1, 149-155, 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Shohei Saitoh, Eri Fukunaga, Hana Ohtani and Yasuo Oyama : Zn2+-dependence of the synergistic increase in rat thymocyte cell lethality caused by simultaneous application of 4,5-dichloro-2-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (DCOIT) and H2O2, Chemosphere, Vol.135, 447-452, 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Eri Fukunaga, Sari Honda, Yuji Hashimoto, Yasuaki Tamura, Shiro Ishida and Yasuo Oyama : Zn2+-dependent increase in cells with phosphatidylserine-exposed membranes after treatment with submicromolar concentrations of 2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one in rat thymocytes, Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, Vol.2, No.5, 209-216, 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Eri Fukunaga, Shohei Saitoh, Yuya Kurumi, Yurie Ohiwa, Eri Kurozumi and Yasuo Oyama : Cytotoxic actions of N-(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)maleimide (IT-354), an antifouling agent, in rat thymic lymphocytes, Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, Vol.2, No.5, 217-222, 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Hiromitsu Tsuzuki, Shota Inoue, Daiki Kobayashi, Gantulga Uuganbaatar, Kaori Kanemaru, Kumio Yokoigawa and Yasuo Oyama : Methyl cinnamate increases cell vulnerability to oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide in rat thymocytes, Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, Vol.3, No.3, 121-125, 2016..[著者] ...
閲覧 Mizuki Ishikawa, Ryosuke Muraguchi, Ayako Azuma, Shogo Nawata, Tetsuya Katsuur, Mutsumi Miya, Tohru Naito and Yasuo Oyama : Cytotoxic actions of 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide, a biocide in hydraulic fracturing fluids, on rat thymocytes, Toxicology Research, Vol.5, 1329-1334, 2016..[著者] ...
閲覧 Eiko Niwa, Tsuyoshi Mitani, Shohei Saitoh, Kaori Kanemaru, Shiro Ishida, Kumio Yokoigawa and Yasuo Oyama : Zinc increases vulnerability of rat thymic lymphocytes to arachidonic acid under in vitro conditions, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Vol.96, 177-182, 2016..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kayo Nonami, Shohei Saitoh, Yumiko Nishimura-Danjobara, Shiro Ishida and Yasuo Oyama : Chlorhexidine possesses unique cytotoxic actions in rat thymic lymphocytes: Its relation with electrochemical property of membranes, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.48, 17-21, 2016..[著者] ...
閲覧 Maki Takeda, Keisuke Oyama, Norio Kamemura, Kaori Kanemaru, Keizo Yuasa, Kumio Yokoigawa and Yasuo Oyama : Change in plasma membrane potential of rat thymocytes by tert-butylhydroquinone, a food additive: Possible risk on lymphocytes, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Vol.109, No.1, 296-301, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Hiroto Imai, Fumiya Kita, Sho Ikesugi, Masami Abe, Shizuka Sogabe, Yumiko Nishimura-Danjobara, Hajime Miura and Yasuo Oyama : Cetylpyridinium chloride at sublethal levels increases the susceptibility of rat thymic lymphocytes to oxidative stress, Chemosphere, Vol.170, 118-123, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Badr Ali Hoida, Takahashi Keiko, Ryushi Kawakami, Yasuo Oyama, Kumio Yokoigawa and Kaori Kanemaru : Screening and analysis of edible seaweeds in the ability to adsorb Shiga toxin., European Food Research and Technology, Vol.243, No.12, 2147-2153, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Risa Kamae, Shoko Nojima, Kenji Akiyoshi, Shoki Setsu, Sari Honda, Toshiya Masuda and Yasuo Oyama : Hydroxyhydroquinone, a by-product of coffee bean roasting, increases intracellular Ca2+ concentration in rat thymic lymphocytes, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Vol.102, 39-45, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tsuyoshi Mitani, Ahmed Elhossany Elmarhomy Ibrahim, Luvsandorj Dulamjav, Enkhtumur Anu, Shohei Saitoh, Shiro Ishida and Yasuo Oyama : Zinc-related actions of sublethal levels of benzalkonium chloride: Potentiation of benzalkonium cytotoxicity by zinc, Chemico-Biological Interactions, Vol.268, 31-36, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Masahito Wakita, Kiyomitsu Shoudai, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : 4,5-Dichloro-2-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (DCOIT) modifies synaptic transmission in hippocampal CA3 neurons of rats, Chemosphere, Vol.184, 337-346, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Kanemoto-Kataoka, Tomohiro Oyama, Hitoshi Ishibashi and Yasuo Oyama : Zinc is a determinant of the cytotoxicity of Ziram, a dithiocarbamate fungicide, in rat thymic lymphocytes: Possible environmental risk, Toxicology Research, Vol.6, 499-504, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Keisuke Oyama, Norikazu Miyoshi and Yasuo Oyama : Cytometric analysis on cytotoxicity of 4,4 -methylenediphenyl diisocyanate, a chemical allergen, in rat thymocytes, Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, Vol.4, No.4, 173-178, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Norio Kamemura, Keisuke Oyama, Kaori Kanemaru, Kumio Yokoigawa and Yasuo Oyama : Diverse cellular actions of tert-butylhydroquinone, a food additive, on rat thymocytes, Toxicology Research, Vol.6, 922-929, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Kanemoto-Kataoka, Keisuke Oyama, Tomohiro Oyama, Hitoshi Ishibashi and Yasuo Oyama : Ziram, a dithiocarbamate fungicide, exhibits pseudo-cytoprotective actions against oxidative stress in rat thymocytes: Possible environmental risks, Environmental Research, Vol.160, 232-238, 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Nishimura-Danjobara, Keisuke Oyama, Kaori Kanemaru, Keiko Takahashi, Kumio Yokoigawa and Yasuo Oyama : N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-L-homoserine-lactone, a quorum sensing molecule, affects cellular content of nonprotein thiol content in rat lymphocytes: Its relation with intracellular Zn2+, Chemico-Biological Interactions, Vol.280, 28-32, 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Nishimura-Danjobara, Keisuke Oyama, Kumio Yokoigawa and Yasuo Oyama : Hyperpolarization by N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-L-homoserine-lactone, a quorum sensing molecule, in rat thymic lymphocytes, Chemico-Biological Interactions, Vol.283, 91-96, 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Honoka Wada, Keisuke Oyama, Risa Kamae, Toshiya Masuda, Kaori Kanemaru, Kumio Yokoigawa and Yasuo Oyama : Zinc-dependent and independent actions of hydroxyhydroquinone on rat thymic lymphocytes, Drug and Chemical Toxicology, Vol.9, 1-6, 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kazuki Noma, Hironari Akaike, Yuki Kurauchi, Hiroshi Katsuki, Yasuo Oyama and Norio Akaike : Effects of triphenyltin on glycinergic transmission on rat spinal neurons, Environmental Research, Vol.163, 163-193, 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Mizuki Ikeda, Junji Deguchi, Shota Fukushima, Ai Qingyu, Norihiro Katayama, Hajime Miura and Yasuo Oyama : Some adverse actions of chlorothalonil at sublethal levels in rat thymic lymphocytes: Its relation to Zn2+, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.59, 61-65, 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yurie Funakoshi, Ayako Azuma, Mizuki Ishikawa, Satoru Itsuki, Yasuaki Tamura, Kaori Kanemaru, Shogo Hirai and Yasuo Oyama : Cytometrical analysis of the adverse effects of indican, indoxyl, indigo, and indirubin on rat thymic lymphocytes, Toxicology Research, Vol.7, 513-520, 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Takumi Kishida, Kenji Akiyoshi, Erdenedalai Erdenebat, Enhetomuru Anu, Shoji Imai and Yasuo Oyama : Cellular adverse actions of dibromoacetonitrile, a by-product in water bacterial control, at sublethal levels in rat thymocytes, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.51, 145-149, 2018..[著者]+[指導教員] ...
閲覧 Takumi Kishida, Yurie Funakoshi, Yuya Fukuyama, Sari Honda, Toshiya Masuda and Yasuo Oyama : Conflicting actions of 4-vinylcatechol in rat lymphocytes under oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide, Drug and Chemical Toxicology, Vol.6, 1-6, 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tomomi Inoue, Maika Kinoshita, Keisuke Oyama, Kamemura Norio and Yasuo Oyama : Captan-induced increase in the concentrations of intracellular Ca2+ and Zn2+ and its correlation with oxidative stress in rat thymic lymphocytes, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Vol.63, 78-83, 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Naohiro Imura, Masamichi Ae, Rin Hoshino, Masami Abe, Tatsuya Yamamuro, Keisuke Oyama and Yasuo Oyama : Membrane hyperpolarization and depolarization of rat thymocytes by azoxystrobin, a post harvest fungicide, Chemico-Biological Interactions, Vol.300, 35-39, 2019..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kazuki Noma, Yuki Kurauchi, Hiroshi Katsuki, Yasuo Oyama and Noriko Akaike : Intra-axonal Ca2+ mobilization contributes to triphenyltin-induced facilitation in glycinergic transmission of rat spinal neurons, Toxicology In Vitro, Vol.55, 11-14, 2019..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yumiko Nishimura-Danjobara, Keisuke Oyama, Tomohiro Oyama, Kumio Yokoigawa and Yasuo Oyama : Modification of cell vulnerability to oxidative stress by N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-L-homoserine-lactone, a quorum sensing molecule, in rat thymocytes, Chemico-Biological Interactions, Vol.302, 143-148, 2019..[著者] ...
閲覧 Sayaka Doi, Mina Kawamura, Keisuke Oyama, Tetsuya Akamatsu, Mizuki Mizobuchi, Yasuo Oyama, Toshiya Masuda and Norio Kamemura : Bioactivity of alginetin, a caramelization product of pectin: Cytometric analysis of rat thymic lymphocytes using fluorescent probes., PLoS ONE, Vol.15, No.11, e0241290, 2020..[著者] ...






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